O.N. Allen Soil and Environmental Microbiology Small Grants Program
The O.N. Allen Soil and Environmental Microbiology Small Grants Program is a small-grant opportunity for UW-Madison graduate students and postdocs studying soil and environmental microbiology, supported by the O.N. Allen professorship in Soil Science, the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, the WID Multi-Omics Hub, the Department of Plant Pathology, and the Department of Bacteriology. Submitted proposals are reviewed and selected by an NSF-style panel of students and postdocs with broad scientific backgrounds.
These awards are intended to develop and support grant-writing, reviewing, and independent research skills in a broad range of early-career scientists and to connect researchers across colleges, bringing together diverse areas of environmental microbiology, including soil, water, animal, and plant microbiome research. The recipients of the small grants participate in a campus-wide environmental microbiology symposium, where they and other researchers across campus present their research in short talks and a poster session.
Recipients 2021
We congratulate the six recipients from Soil Science, Bacteriology, Geography, Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Plant Pathology. We also want to thank the panelists for their involvement in reviewing the submitted proposals – we greatly appreciate their time and effort in making this a successful program.
Symposium 2021
We are pleased to announce the 2021 O.N. Allen Soil and Environmental Microbiology Symposium, to be held virtually on May 7, 2021 from 10AM-12PM (contact for link access). At the virtual symposium, past awardees will present their research and new awardees will present their proposed research.
Recipients 2019
We congratulate the seven recipients from Bacteriology, Botany, Geography, Molecular and Environmental Toxicology, and Plant Pathology. We also want to thank the panelists for their involvement in reviewing the submitted proposals- we greatly appreciate their time and effort in making this a successful program.
Symposium 2019
We are happy to announce the O.N. Allen Soil and Environmental Microbiology Small Grants Symposium. The symposium was held on Thursday, May 2, 2019.
Schedule of Events:
8 – 11 AM – Presentations by O.N. Allen Small Grant Recipients, Soils Building 357
11 AM – 12:15 PM – Soil microbiology research posters by students from SOILSCI 523, Soils Building 357
12:30 – 1:30 PM – Keynote by Dr. Kathleen Treseder: How fungi can mediate ecosystem responses to climate change, Ebling Auditorium, Microbial Science Building
Recipients 2018
We congratulate the 12 recipients from Agronomy, Bacteriology, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Molecular and Environmental Toxicology, Plant Pathology, Soil Science, and USGS National Wildlife Health Center. We also want to thank the panelists for their involvement in reviewing the submitted proposals- we greatly appreciate their time and effort in making this a successful program.
Previous Request for Proposals (2021)
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