2021 O.N. Allen Soil and Environmental Microbiology Small Grants Program Award Recipients
We are pleased to announce the recipients of the O.N. Allen Soil and Environmental Microbiology Small Grants program for 2021. Congratulations to the six graduate student and postdoctoral researchers from five different departments that were selected for funding by a panel of their peers and the acting program officers Thea Whitman and Briana Burton. The award recipients and their proposed research can be found here. We look forward to seeing the funded research presented at a campus-wide environmental microbiology symposium, to be held May 7, 2021.
This opportunity for UW-Madison graduate students and postdocs studying soil and environmental microbiology is supported by the O.N. Allen professorship in Soil Science, the College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, and the WID Multi-Omics Hub. We want to thank all the sponsors, applicants, and review panelists for their role in making this program a success.
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