Dr. Thea Whitman
E-mail at wisc.edu: t[lastname]
Twitter: @theawhitman
Github: TheaWhitman
MyCitations at Google Scholar
About me
I am an associate professor of Soil Ecology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, in the Soil Science department. Before starting at UW-Madison, I worked on a postdoc with Dr. Mary Firestone at University of California, Berkeley, after doing my Soil Science Ph.D. in the lab of Dr. Johannes Lehmann at Cornell University.
I grew up in rural Nova Scotia with my parents and three siblings. I enjoy playing music (violin and accordion, mostly), identifying wildflowers, reading, and cooking with friends. Fighting climate change is central to my research and interests.
Besides the lab’s research here at UW Madison, you can read about my previous research during undergrad, graduate school, and as a postdoc.
I co-teach Environmental Biogeochemistry (451) in the fall semesters and teach Soil Microbiology (523) in the spring semesters. I previously taught Forum on the Environment (101).
Graduate programs
I can serve as the major advisor for graduate students from Soil Science, Bacteriology / Microbiology Doctoral Training Program, Plant Pathology, Agroecology, Environmental Chemistry and Technology, and the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies.